One Issue less!


I solved an Issue for FOSSASIA!!

During my journey in Google Code-In (read my last blog for more info about it, or click on this link to the GCI Website) with FOSSASIA, I have done a lot. Recently I contributed by fixing an issue for them.

What Issue!?

Well, I was really annoyed to see this mistake firstly, and wanted to work on it to get it fixes ASAP. Three sections on the FOSSASIA GCI 2017 website were appearing twice. I do suffer partly from an OCD for imperfect implications, just couldn’t have left this behind, could’ve I?

So how did I go about

This is a brief step-by-step description of what all I did:

  1. Created an Issue on the GitHub Repo* for it’s website (link to the Issue)
  2. Updated my local clone (fork) of the Repo on Git
  3. Removed the repeated segment by deleting its code
  4. Improved the indentation, and code quality of the final section(s)
  5. Committed the changes
  6. Pushed the changes to my forked Repo
  7. Generated a Pull Request on the actual Repo for my commits (link to the Pull Request)
  8. Waited for it to be approved my some authority member
  9. Alas, the moment when my changes had been integrated!

The link to GCI ’17 website of FOSSASIA’s Repo: GCI’17@FOSSASIA

*Repo: short for Repository in the “nerd-world”

Problems I faced:

  • Well it can be one heck of a job to pull changes (new ones form the Repo, that had been made after I had last forked). It is really irritating to see the “upstream” remote in the list but to not be able to successfully pull. I will just say, patience is the key.
  • When I created the PR (Pull Request), my old commits for a previous task were also chowing in the changes. They didn’t create any merge conflicts however, my guess – it was because my other PR had already been merged. I did get scare at once when I saw them that they might cause issues, but as it turns out, they didn’t.
  • Travis Ci checks can take time at times, and yes FOSSASIA has employed them. Do not get scared (I did) if it’s taking a bit too long, it’ll just be fine.
  • Patience again matters once you’ve created the PR. You’ll have to sit back and wait till a member approves your changes and they are merged. My advice: use this time to relax a bit, you can also use it tweet about your latest achievement (thought you might’ve to delete it if your changes aren’t approved)

PS: One additional advice here… Make sure you don’t end up removing some important content, or someone else’s work from the project. Other’s work is equally valuable as your own efforts!


It’s an extreme load of fun packed excitement working with FOSSASIA. As I said before, the Mentors are just amazing! You can check them out on this link, and also read more about FOSSASIA in GCI. Don’t forget to check the official blog of FOSSASIA here. Not to forget, I’m now in the top-10 of FOSSASIA!




Signing off for now.

You Know Who

( ’cause everything deserves a dramatic end)


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